We Take Care of Everything on Guided Tours, Including Your Safety

Our goal at the ranch is for each guest to have the best experience out of their adventure. That’s why our guided tours, like snowmobiling during winter, are so popular. We take care of all of the logistics, so guests don’t have to worry about the details.

More importantly, our guides receive regular safety training to make sure your adventure is as safe as possible. The most recent training session occurred before opening day and involved our snowmobile guides updated their Wilderness First Responder and avalanche safety certification. Here’s a quick look at what that training involved.

Wilderness First Responder

All of our guides are certified Wilderness First Responders, which is essentially the same training EMTs receive. The federal government created the first EMT guidelines in the 1960s. Not long after that, the Wilderness Medicine Outfitters took the EMT model a step further by adding techniques to help ski patrols aid injured skiers.

The skills and techniques taught in those original classes have been continually updated to help people like our guides help anyone injured in order to survive the “golden hour,” that critical period of time to get the patient stabilized and transported to a hospital.

Avalanche Training

On top of the medical training, our snowmobile guides also take a class that involves classroom and field work to help them identify and analyze avalanche dangers. The course covers the various types of avalanches, teaches them observational skills to identify potential dangers and how to plan a safe trip.

The information helps our guides avoid conditions that could put sledders in danger.

Guest Experience

Our guest’s safety is constantly at the forefront of the minds of our guides. That’s why we start each snowmobile trip with a brief safety briefing that covers the operation of the sled as well as basic precautionary tips.

It’s also an added value to our guests that our guides have years of working and playing in the area around the ranch. They are extremely familiar with the terrain and weather patterns. That local knowledge when paired with today’s forecasting technology ensures that your snowmobile adventure is as safe as it is fun.

Photo credit @jnelmcintosh